LSG legend Joseph Hamilton McConnell appointed new Vice-Chancellor for LUU
Local icon and Leeds Student Group (LSG) admin Joseph Hamtilon McConnell has been appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor for Leeds University Union.

Local icon and Leeds Student Group (LSG) admin Joseph Hamtilon McConnell has been appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor for Leeds University Union.
After a competitive selection process, the fan favourite beat out several other competitors including neighbourhood safety king Nilesh Chohan, the house of girls’ echo dot and a ‘road closed’ planter from Royal Park Road.
McConnell first gained popularity for his witty, intellectual and heartfelt replies to posts on both LSG and LeedsFess. One post from the latter noted that “you know your leedsfess post slaps when this drilla is in the –replies”
As his fanbase grew rapidly, McConnell joined the hallowed ranks of the LSG admin team. He was lauded for battling through 3.6k requests to join the Facebook group and ensuring that 2.9k bot accounts were rejected. Group members praised him as a “solid choice for moderator”, a “man of the people”, and “the hero we need”.

The newly-created role of LUU Vice-Chancellor will take on the responsibility of introducing a screamo/thrash metal room at Fruity, finding a vegan-friendly replacement for campus’ bacon statue, and establishing a support group for male tech-house DJs with no taste.
Upon his appointment, Joseph Hamilton McConnell VC told The Gryphon: “Being appointed the Vice-Chancellor of LUU is an amazing opportunity to put my many years as President of the Anime & Manga Society to good use.
I’ll be personally running courses in Comedy and Entertainment, How to avoid being Ticket Scammed, and also introducing dress up/Cosplay themed days where students will be encouraged to dress up. The first theme will be the Roger Stevens’ ducks, so get your feathers ready!”
The Gryphon wishes all its readers a very happy 1st April.