Pro-Palestine Protesters Occupy Parkinson Building in Protest for Palestine

Photograph: Rachel O'Leary
Pro-Palestinian protesters at the University of Leeds have entered the third day of an occupation of the Parkinson building.
A video released by the Socialist Worker Student society on Instagram set out the four main demands of the protestors.
“We want BAE arms companies off our campus. We want an end to the Israeli partnerships. We want no war criminals on our campus, and we want the University to make a powerful statement in support of the Palestinian people.”
The students were seen with tents, electrical devices, food and water, indicating their intention to stay put rather than leave. An agenda was shared on their social pages titled the “occupation timetable,” which encompassed various workshops and prayers alongside scheduled discussions.
Yesterday, students were allegedly locked in the Parkinson building at 16:30, as the University management denied entry to anyone from the outside. Student Rebellion took to their Instagram to share updates on the situation.
“They’ve kicked students out of a library and are refusing entry to people whose stuff is inside!”
“They’re stopping our workshops and trying to frighten us by keeping us trapped in here until 10am (17 hours). This is completely unacceptable and incredibly unfair on not only us, but also those who are trying to study.”
Protesters can be heard chanting inside the building, with an estimated 100 students locked inside. They may leave if they wish to, but have been told that they will not be allowed entry once they exit the building.
The Gryphon spoke to some of the protesters outside.
“I think it’s abysmal. The consistent response the University has had towards the ongoing conflict has only been aggressive. It is clear what side they stand for.”
Another student expressed her concerns for her safety on campus, stating, “I don’t feel my safety is guaranteed here; the students inside are not being respected in any way.”
The University is holding an open day on Saturday, however they have declared Parkinson Building to be closed until Monday.
In a statement, a spokesperson for the University of Leeds said: “The University is currently monitoring the situation to ensure the safety and access for those working and studying in the Parkinson Building. Whilst we respect the right to free speech and peaceful expression within the law, equally, we will work to minimise disruption for building users.
“We know that many in our community are distressed and directly impacted by the terrible conflict in Israel and Gaza, and we will continue to do more to support our students, understand their feelings, act to protect the cohesion of our community, and tackle hatred wherever it is found.”
The students say they will occupy the building until the University meet with them to discuss their demands.