50 acts to make someone’s day on Random Act of Kindness Day 2023

Credit: Rawpixel
Following ‘Random Act of Kindness Day’, we can all think about one small way to show kindness to those around us, our environment, and ourselves. It doesn’t necessarily mean going out of our way, but the smallest act could make somebody’s day – or even change their life. Here are 50 ideas; pick a few you think you could swing and make a difference today.
- Compliment a stranger
- Litter pick
- Pay for someone else’s thing
- Text someone that you haven’t heard from in a while
- Give flowers or chocolates to someone
- Get a vegan dessert – trust me, they’re hard to find
- Make a meal for your flatmates/housemates
- Bake something for your neighbours
- Tell your friend something you admire about them
- Offer to body double for someone struggling with exams
- Leave a nice note
- Give your favourite person a hug
- Tip the server that’s working hard
- Give to a charity shop
- Play the UN’s vocabulary game at freerice.com to help feed those in need
- Send a care package to someone who needs it
- Remember something that bothered you about the system at university or work and draft a proposal to change it
- Lend your ear to a colleague having a tough day
- Download the Finch app and send your contacts some anonymous support from an adorable bird!
- Offer to give someone a lift
- Tell someone that you’re thinking of them
- Send a handwritten letter or postcard
- Arrange a potluck dinner with friends
- Bring water, tea or coffee to people working or studying with you
- Send a jigsaw or book you’ve finished to a family member or friend
- Download the ‘Thought Catalog’ app and use CBT techniques to tackle your negative thoughts
- Send a thank you card to a medical professional or surgery that helped you out
- Email an old teacher that inspired you or made a difference
- Tell your lecturer that you found their lecture interesting
- Pick up a piece of litter as you pass on the street
- Sign up to donate blood
- Re-rack weights lying around at the gym
- Give snacks to mail carriers and delivery drivers
- Write a kind comment
- Order an extra side next time you get takeaway and give it to someone struggling financially
- Help people feel less alone by interacting with the community on the HeadHelp app
- Check on elderly neighbours
- Let someone know you support them when they’re experiencing a conflict
- Be a courteous driver
- Put a kind sticky note on a mirror in a public bathroom
- Leave a message in a library book
- Leave a pack of sanitary products in a public bathroom
- Smile at an anxious-looking stranger
- Download a Kindness Calendar for daily ideas
- Make an extra portion of dinner for someone you know who is feeling overwhelmed
- Start a candid conversation with your mates about mental health
- Learn what goes in your recycling bin
- Get yourself some of your favourite food and share it with friends or family
- Take 30 minutes for yourself today
- Ask someone how they’re doing – really
A small act of kindness can go a long way. So, why not give one (or more!) of these suggestions a go today, in honour of Random Act of Kindness Day 2023.